Saturday 27 August 2011

Waiting room

Living in a waiting room
nothing lasts more than a few seconds
being in transit is the only constant
people, loves, fears, come and go
some times I wish them to stay a little longer but that isn't possible
waiting rooms also have rules
there are not farewells, there are not welcoming parties
there is only ambiguity
this vacuum full of juxtaposed forces and feelings

Now that the time of departure is almost here ...  again
I am afraid of leaving
my bare feet are hanging upon the floor
unsure of the path to follow
I am leaving or I am going back?
Pessoa's verses are in my head
speaking to me
hunting me
warning me???

Nunca Voltarei
nunca voltarei porque nunca se volta.
O Lugar a que se volta é sempre outro,
A gare a que se volta é outra.
Já nao está a mesma gente, nem a mesma luz, nem a mesma filosofia.
Partir! Meu Deus, partir! Tenho medo de partir!... 
Fernando Pessoa

Monday 22 August 2011


'How can I Accept  a limited definable self  when I feel, in me,  all possibilities?'
Anais Nïn 

I love the sound of the word
I say it aloud DIASPORIC
and the image of a dandelion
blowed in the wind comes to my mind,
thats how I feel most of the time
blowed in the wind
hanging in the air
without roots...
under the mercy of the changes of
the weather and the times

Some days I wonder if I live in a country
made of internal diasporas
of displaced souls as my soul
I don't know the answer
I only know that we are a mixture
made of forgotten memories
made of official stories and untold histories
I know I am not white, not yellow, not black, not red
I am a mestiza
I know so little and I wonder so much

Monday 8 August 2011

Love letter

I am decided to dance
on the streets or on the table
in my pyjamas or in my tango shoes
no matter where or when,
dance with all my body and soul

my life is changing so fast
I am loosing my bearings at every second

but maybe if I dance all the way through
just trying to feel the rhythm
maybe if I flow with the beat...
I may be able to make sense of these
moody days, of all this new feelings
of all this love and blueness..

I am decided to dance
no matter the rhythm life is playing
no matter the place or the time
because while dancing I feel alive
I even love myself when I am dancing
I can take my imperfections and enjoy the little beauty on me (with my extra pounds and curly hair)

Some times I miss my dancing partners
all this amazing people that have touched me in unspeakable ways
people I love and care about
or people I will love to have the time to know a little better
but who is dancing on a different realm

this is a love letter for my dancing partners
the ones I haven't seen in years
the ones who ripped my heart into pieces
the ones that have been always there no matter distance and time
the unconditional ones
the ones I have hurt sometimes without noticing
the ones that have passed like shooting starts
the ones with whom I want to dance with but... 
they don't want to dance with me
this is a love letter for you all
thanks for giving me the pleasure of dancing with YOU