Saturday 28 May 2011

Back to normal

Being normal, back to normal, normality
a normal life, a normal woman, normal pleasure
normal size and weight
almost everything and anyone can be qualified between normal and abnormal
but defining what NORMAL is... that's a different matter
what 'normal' is depends on so many cultural, social, biological, moral, economical, statistical, mathematical, chemical, physic variables
most of the time 'Being normal' or 'living a normal life' doesn't have the same meaning for two persons

is just an expression to acknowledge that something in your life
has been rocked down and may never be mended
So going back to normal is a kind of negation
is refusing to accept that life, as you knew it, has changed,
something has been inevitably broken,
and you need to put your pieces together, glue them
and learn how to live like that.